Student Solution


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Week 2 _Discussion 2_Gail

Week 2 _Discussion 2_Gail

Q • Explain how Amazon Go needs to employ electronic data interchange (EDI) and efficient consumer response (ECR) to effectively and efficiently manage its stores. o Your explanation can be around one specific example of a grocery item. • Analyze how Amazon takes advantage of big data analytics and its advanced customer relationship management (CRM) to improve employees’ productivity, enhance corporate profitability, and, above all, create customer loyalty. • If Amazon Go decides to expand globally and even dominate a domestic market, would they need to acquire information through direct perception? Why or why not? o Take into consideration both the Xbox and TOMs examples in the text.

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• Amazon, in the year 2018, launched Amazon Go that is a brick-and-mortar store that has been powered by machine learning and there are no checkout lines or cashiers in the store (Wingfield, 2018). A specific user’s movements are tracked accurately and reliably with the help of the technology that aggregates data from multiple sensors. The brand uses Electronic Data Interchange, also known as EDI to send information from one to another department or firm electronically and it as per the definition stated by Keegan, it “allows a company’s business unit to submit orders, issue invoices, and conduct business electronically with other company units as well as with outside companies” (Keegan & Green, 2020).